Change of Terms and Conditions for Trading Accounts to be implemented on 11-April-2016
18 March 2016
Pursuant to Paragraph 23.5 of Section I – General Terms and Conditions of the Terms, we hereby give you notice of change to, inter alia, Section I Paragraph 18, Section I Paragraph 23.5, Section I Paragraph 24, Section V Paragraph 5.7, Section IX and Section X Paragraph 3(c) of the Terms, where you need to and are advised to peruse the changes as set out in the aforesaid Sections and Paragraphs in the amended Terms of which would also be set out in 「Customer Services → Client Notice」 of our websites, including but not limited to our websites at Please click here to download the amended Terms.
Please note that the draft amended Terms would become effective and be uploaded in 「Customer Services → Download」 of our websites on 11-April-2016. Should you need any assistance and/or support to access our websites, you are advised to contact our Customer Service Hotline at (852) 2166 3888. We also take this opportunity to remind you of your rights under Paragraph 13 of Section I of the Terms.

Please note that the aforesaid changes and the latest version of these Terms would be contained in our websites, including but not limited to our websites at and you are advised that you need to check them in our websites on a regular basis, where should you need any assistance and/or support, you agree and acknowledge that you would and have been advised to contact our Customer Service Hotline at (852) 2166 3888.

  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd