Streaming Stock Quote Service
We provide "Streaming Stock Quote Service" to our clients, For "Streaming Stock Quote Service", the stock price and related information of the particular stock will be updated automatically and continuously when such information has changed. Streaming Stock Quote Service can provide you with a more comprehensive stock price information service, including the broker queues, transaction log, technical analysis data and other tools such as charting, etc.
You can subscribe the Streaming Stock Quote Service via our branches or download the Real time quotes Application form for application. You can return the application form to us by fax (852)-2918 0409 or by email at The service will be effective within 2 business days once you apply. Please note that a full month service fee will be charged, regardless of which date you begin the service.

HK Stock Real Time Quote Services Application FormCME Futures Real Time Quote Services Application FormICE Futures Real Time Quote Services Application Form
Real Time Quotes Comparison
LV1 for

(without Futures)
(without Futures)
(with Futures)
(QuoteWinner- Stand alone version )
(QuoteWinner-Embeded version)
(Power Ticker & Magic Trader)
Monthly Fee
(Non-China Clients)
Promotional Price
HK$378 HK$398 HK$398 HK$355 HK$398 HK$400
Monthly Fee
(China Clients)*
N N HK$248 HK$298 HK$225 HK$218 HK$235
Basic Information
Local Index N Y Y Y Y Y Y
Futures N N Y Y Y Y Y
Index Option N N Y Y Y N Y
Stocks Option N N Y Y Y N Y
Windows for Quotes 1 2 4 4 4 2 2
Market Information
Warrants / Callable Bull/Bear Contracts Searching Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Rankings N Y Y Y Y Y Y
Technical Tools & Chart Analysis Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
A+ H Comparison N N Y Y Y Y Y
Watch List Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Transaction Details Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Broker Search N Y Y Y Y Y Y
News Y (ET Net News) Y (ET Net News) Y (ET Net News) Y (AAstocks News) Y (AAstocks News) Y (Quamnet News) Y (Dow Jones News)
Dividend Announcements Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Company Info N Y Y Y Y Y Y
Forex rate N N Y N N Y Y
Price Alert N Y Y Y Y Y Y
Short Sell N N Y N N N Y
Profit Estimation N Y Y N N N N
iPhone / iPAD Application Y Y Y N N N Y
Android Application Y Y Y N N N Y
PC Download Version N N N N N N Y
Additional Materials NA NA Demo Demo NA Demo
* Monthly Plans for Mainland is only applicable for use within mainland China.
(Changes or amendment of the information might be made at any time without prior notice)
** The promotional price Hk$168 is applicable during the promotion period. Please note that it will be resumed to the regular price HK$188 after the promotion period.

Monthly Fee for Futures Real Time Quote of CME Group
Real Time QuoteService Monthly Fee (per account)
Real Time non-Professional
(Including Market-Depth)
Real Time non-Professional
(without Market-Depth) showing bid/ask only
* CME Group Included CME, CBOT, NYMEX & COMEX

Monthly Charge for Futures Real time quote of ICE (Effective from 1 April 2016)
Real time quote service Monthly charge (per account)
ICE Futures U.S. US130
ICE Futures Europe - Commodities US130
* ICE Futures U.S - includes US dollar Index Futures, Coffee futures, Cotton futures, Sugar futures, Orange Juice futures, Cocoa futures
* ICE Futures Europe – Commodities – includes Brent Crude Oil futures
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