Stock Options
Definition of Stock option
A stock option is a financial contract based on a single underlying stock which is traded on SEHK and cleared through the SEHK Options Clearing House Limited (SEOCH).
A call option buyer has the right to buy the underlying stock at the strike price (ie pre-determined price) on or before the expiry date, while a call option seller has the obligation to sell the underlying stock at the strike price upon exercise on or before the expiry day.
A put option buyer has the right to sell the underlying stock at the strike price (ie pre-determined price) on or before the expiry day, while a put option seller has the obligation to buy the underlying stock at the strike price upon exercise on or before the expiry day.
Trading Channels:
Client can trade stock option though your designated Account executive or SP trader
Download SP trader
Trading period:
Morning Session:9:30 a.m. - 12 :00 noon
Afternoon Session:1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Notes:Closing time of Stock Options for half-day trading will be 12:00 noon.
Moreover, there is no auction session for stock options.
Settlement and Clearing:
Exercise method
(American Style)
Contracts can be exercised by the holder at 5:00pm before its expiry day (Include last trading day of month).
Settlement When the options are exercised to share, settlement period as follows :
T + 1 ( pay all premium ) or T + 2 (settle stock after the exercise)
Expiry date One business day before the last business day of the expired month
Holiday Schedule:
Please refer to the website of HKEx for the holiday schedule
For details of stock option, please visit HKEx website.
Contract Limits and Large Open Position Reporting Requirements
In accordance with the Securities and Futures (Contracts Limits and Reportable Positions) Rules (“the Rules”), no person, other than a person being so authorised, may hold or control futures contracts or stock options contracts in excess of the prescribed limit. The Rules also stipulates that any person who holds or controls a reportable position shall lodge a notice in writing of that reportable position with the recognized exchange company concerned.

You may submit a notice of a reportable position directly to the HKEx or through us as your agent after we have agreed to submit such notice on your behalf. In the event that you hold or control a reportable position in accounts at more than one Exchange Participant, you should assume the sole responsibility to notify HKEx of the reportable position.

You are advised to understand the prescribed limits and reportable positions of futures contracts and stock options contracts respectively, available here at
You are also advised to consult the “Guidance Note on Position Limits and Large Open Position Reporting Requirements” issued by the SFC in relation to the compliance requirements, available here at Standard reporting forms are available from the HKEx website. Samples of such forms are also available from us on request. The completed report shall be sent
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd