Service Charges
A. Local Securities

Hong Kong Securities Trading Costs
Service Charges Minimum / Maximum
Brokerage Commission 0.25% on transaction amount
(rounded to the nearest cent)
Minimum : HK$100.00/RMB100.00
Transaction Levy (SFC)

0.0027% on transaction amount
(rounded to the nearest cent)

AFRC transaction levy 0.00015% on transaction amount
(rounded to the nearest cent)
Investor Compensation Levy N/A N/A
Trading Fee 0.00565% on transaction amount
(rounded to the nearest cent)
Trading Tariff N/A N/A
Stamp Duty 0.1% of transaction value Calculated in strict percentage form, rounded up to the nearest dollar. N/A
CCASS Stock Settlement Fees 0.005% on transaction amount
(rounded to the nearest cent)
Min.: HK$5.00 / RMB5.00
Max.: HK$500.00 / RMB500.00
Shanghai A share Trading Cost (Shanghai-Hong Kong Connect)
Service Charges Minimum / Maximum
Commission 0.25% of transaction amount Minimum: RMB100.00
Handling Fee
0.00341% of the consideration of each transaction per side
(rounded to the nearest cent)
Securities Management
0.002% of Transaction amount NA
Seller Stamp 0.05% of Transaction amount on the seller NA

Transfer Fee

0.003% of the consideration of gross value of each China Connect Securities Trade per side

Including: 0.001% of the consideration of each transaction per side payable under China Clear's Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect Rules; and 0.002% of the consideration of each transaction per side payable under the General Rules of CCASS for the provision of Stock Connect Northbound Clearing services by HKSCC
Trading Tariff RMB1.00 for each transaction. NA

Portfolio fee

0.008% for annually, Charged by Monthly
(Daily calculated by market value of Portfolio) (HKD)
Shenzhen Stock Exchange Securities (SZ-HK Stock Connect)
Service Charges Minimum / Maximum
Commission 0.25% of transaction amount Minimum: RMB100.00
Handling Fee
0.00341% of the consideration of each transaction per side
(rounded to the nearest cent)
Securities Management
0.002% of Transaction amount NA
Seller Stamp 0.05% of Transaction amount on the seller NA

Transfer Fee

0.003% of the consideration of gross value of each China Connect Securities Trade per side

Including: 0.001% of the consideration of each transaction per side payable under China Clear's Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect Rules; and 0.002% of the consideration of each transaction per side payable under the General Rules of CCASS for the provision of Stock Connect Northbound Clearing services by HKSCC
Trading Tariff RMB1.00 for each transaction. NA

Portfolio fee

0.008% for annually, Charged by Monthly
(Daily calculated by market value of Portfolio) (HKD)
Stock Connect ETFs (ETFs eligible for Stock Connect) Trading Cost*
Service Charges Minimum / Maximum
Commission 0.25% of transaction amount Minimum: RMB100.00
Handling Fee
0.004% of the consideration of a transaction per side NA
Securities Management
Waived NA
Seller Stamp Stamp Duty for trading SSE-listed and SZSE-listed ETFs (CCASS money ledger transaction code: Y2) to be specified by relevant Mainland authorities. NA

Transfer Fee

China Clear: Waived
HKSCC: 0.002% of the consideration of a transaction per side
Trading Tariff RMB1.00 for each transaction. NA

Portfolio fee

0.008% for annually, Charged by Monthly
(Accrued daily at fixed cumulative % per annum on the total daily stock portfolio value) (HKD)
**The Portfolio Fee will be collected in HKD and other fees and levies will be collected in RMB. The fees charged by HKSCC may change subject to the SFC’s approval.

*It is currently envisaged that the above fees and taxes, subject to final confirmation from/clarification with the relevant authorities, will be applicable to the trading and clearing of ETFs for Northbound trading.

B. Grey Market
Service Charges Minimum / Maximum
Grey Market Commission 0.3% on transaction amount
(rounded to the nearest cent)
Minimum HK$150.00 /RMB 150

Remark: Fee will be rounded up to nearest cent

Notes :
All the above charges are subject to change without prior notice, please check with your account executive for the latest charges.
For details, please contact your designated Account Executive or call CPY services hotline:(852) 2166-3888

Disclaimers :
This advertisement/message has been issued by Core Pacific – Yamaichi Group of Companies (including Core Pacific – Yamaichi International (H.K.) Limited and Core Pacific – Yamaichi Futures (H.K.) Limited) for reference and information purposes only. The information herein contains no invitation, publicity, and introduction or investment opinions for any financial product trading. Investors should be aware that the fluctuation of prices of financial products may give profits to losses. Before investing in relevant financial products, investors should have a deep understanding to their financial status and investment objectives. In the event of any uncertainty on risks of product investment, investors should seek independent professional advice.

Bond Charge Table
Custodian Service Fee
Depository receipts/
London & Ireland Stocks/
USD Unlisted Stocks
0.05% p.a.(in HKD)
Fee calculated on month-end nominal value
Interest Collection Fee 0.5%
Bond Maturity Redemption Fee Free
Bond Transfer Fee
(Deposit or Withdraw Bond)
HKD 400 (per transfer)
Corporate Action
Instruction Fee
Corporate Action Instruction Fee may vary for each instruction, plus HK$100 handling fee
(Please refer to specific instruction notice for details)

# Charge depend upon the size of the client portfolio. If you have any inquiry, please feel free to contact your account executive.
# Charge depend upon the size of the client portfolio. If you have any inquiry, please feel free to contact your account executive.
Custodian Services Fees will be charged on the 20th day of next month from client account. Should the payment date fall on a public holiday, it will be deferred to the next business day.
All the above charges are for reference only and subject to change without prior notice.

Calculation Method of Bond Monthly Custodian Fee:
= (Face Amount of Bond x Rate of Custodian Fee x House Exchange Rate to HKD) / 12 months

For example:
Monthly Custodian Fee for Face Amount USD 1 Million Bond
= USD 1,000,000 x 0.05% x HKD 7.8492 / 12 Months
= HKD 327.05

Monthly Custodian Fee for Face Amount CNY 1 Million Bond
= CNY 1,000,000 x 0.05% x HKD 1.1520 / 12 Months
= HKD 48

Overseas Custodian Service Fee
Market Custodian service fee (on a monthly basis)
#Taiwan Stocks/
Local Convertible Bond/
0.1% p.a. Fee calculated on month-end portfolio value
#Taiwan Physical Stock 0.15% p.a. Fee calculated on month-end portfolio value
#Japan Stocks 0.035% p.a. Fee calculated on month-end portfolio value (Japan Listed Securities) JPY10,800 per month per stock (Japan Unlisted Securities)
#@Japan Bonds 0.038% p.a. Fee calculated on month-end nominal value (NV)
#@U.S. Domestic Bonds USD0.40/1000(NV) p.a. Fee calculated on the month-end nominal value
#Australia Stocks 0.05% p.a. Fee calculated on month-end portfolio value (Min AUD 1 per month)

# Chargeable dependent upon the size of the client portfolio.
@ For bond safekeeping at custodians other than Euroclear Bank.
If you have any inquiry, please feel free to contact your account executive.
Custodian Services Fees will be charged on the 20th day of each month from client account. Should the payment date fall on a public holiday, it will be deferred to the next business day.
All the above charges are subject to change without prior notice, please check with your account executive for the latest charges.

Overseas and China Stock Market Charges
Settlement Fee Comm. Charged to Client
Min.-Standard Rate
Tax / Stamp Duty Charged by Government Transaction
Levy / Others
Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy/Sell
Australia (##) 0.7%
N/A N/A N/A T+2
Canada (##) If stock
average traded
price of
the order
is above
per share: 0.6%
of transaction
per order)

If stock
average traded
price of
the order
is equal to
or below
per share:
per share
per order)
N/A N/A CAD23.00
per trade
Indonesia (##) 0.6%
Equivalent to USD50 at prevailing FX rate
VAT: 0.005% VAT: 0.005%
Withholding Tax: 0.1%
0.043% (For Ordinary Shares) T+2
Japan** Equity JPY1,500 for Safekeeping Client JPY3,000 for DVP Client Bond & Unlisted Stock JPY2,900 for Safekeeping Client JPY5,600 for DVP Client 0.4%
Min. JPY4,000
N/A N/A N/A T+2
Korea # (##)
Settle Ccy (HKD&USD)
N/A KOSPI: 0.25% (Stock Transaction Tax 0.1% + Special Tax Rate for Rural Development (Existing / Intact) 0.15%)
KOSDAQ: 0.25% Stock Transaction Tax
N/A Buy:

Malaysia (##) 0.6%
Min.MYR200 Min.USD50
Contract Stamp 0.1%
(round up to the nearest dollar, Max MYR200)
Clearing Fees 0.03%
(always round up to the nearest cent, Max MYR1,000)

SST: 6% of commission
Philippines (##) 0.6%
VAT: 12% on Commission Sales Tax: 0.5%
VAT: 12% on Commission
Securities Clearing Corporation of the Philippines Fee: 0.01%

Bangko Sentral Registration Document (BSRD) fee -Fixed PHP 1,000 per order
Singapore (##) 0.4%
N/A N/A Clearing fee: 0.04% (existing fee)
0.0325% (start from 1/6/2014)

0.05%Clearing Fee (Warrants)

Temporary Waived Charges:(0.0075% Singapore Exchange Limited Access Fee)
Taiwan-TSE **# Delivery charges NTD 1,400
N/A 0.3%
Equity 0.1% TDR
FX Charges TWD1,000 for amount less than USD10,000

TT Charges HKD275 for each Buy NTD FX

Taiwan-GRETAI Market OTC **# Delivery charges NTD 1,400
N/A 0.3%(Stock) FX Charges TWD1,000 for amount less than USD10,000

TT Charges HKD275 for each Buy NTD FX

Taiwan OTC **# Delivery charges NTD 1,800 0.25%
N/A 0.3%
Equity 0.1% TDR
FX Charges TWD1,000 for amount less than USD10,000

TT Charges HKD275 for each Buy NTD FX

Taiwan Stock - Pre-delivery charges TWD 0.5/1,000shares
Thailand THB400.00 0.6%
VAT: 7% on Commission N/A T+2
*DVP USD30 (##) 0.25%
(min.USD20 per order)
N/A SEC Fee 0.00278% (for US stock sell transactions) FINRA Trading Activity Fee
(Applicable to Sell Trade only)
USD 0.000166 per share
(Min.USD0.01;Max. USD8.3 per order)

CAT Fee: USD 0.000046 per share (min USD 0.01)

(min.USD20 per order)
N/A SEC Fee 0.00278% (for US stock sell transactions) FINRA Trading Activity Fee
(Applicable to Sell Trade only)
USD 0.000166 per share
(Min.USD0.01;Max. USD8.3 per order)

CAT Fee: USD 0.000046 per share (min USD 0.01)

USA - OTC orders must be prior consulted your account executive before trading.
United Kingdom & Ireland** GBP10
UK Stock (Gross Amount + Comm) Contract Stamp 0.5% Ireland Stock (Gross Amount + Comm) Contract Stamp 1% N/A Over GBP10,000 will charge levy of the panel on takeovers and mergers (PTM Levy) GBP1.5 T+2
U.S. Domestic Bonds Corporate Action Fees (including Coupon Interest, Redemption and CA Instruction) USD15 per transaction
Telegraphic Transfer Fees of Foreign Exchange Transaction (FX) done for trade settlement will be charged at cost.
All the above charges are subject to change without prior notice.
(*) This charge will only be imposed when the transaction is requested to be settled through CPY’s Custodian Bank.
(**) Custodian Services Fees will be charged on the 20th day of each month from client account. Should the payment date fall on a public holiday, it will be deferred to the next business day. Refer to Custodian Services Fees Table for details.
(#) Stock withdrawal is not allowed.
(##) External Fees (Telegraphic Transfer Charges HKD275 or CHATS charges HKD55), if any, payable to local brokers, stock exchange or in relation to trade settlement will be charged separately.
(ˆ) Special fund withdrawal arrangement regarding U.S. stock trading:
Instructions to withdrawal proceeds of U.S. stock could only be made from 2 business days after the transaction date onwards (i.e. T+2).
(+) FINRA Trading Activity Fee is not applicable to DVP clients.
Please contact your Account Executive or our Customer Service Department at (852) 2166-3888 should you have any inquiries in this regard.
Market Charges - China B Shares
Markets Settlement Fee Comm. Charged to Client Tax / Stamp Duty Charged by Government Transaction Levy / Others Settlement Details
Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy/Sell
Shanghai B N/A 0.3%
(Min USD15)
N/A Stamp Duty: 0.05% Levy 0.00341%
Admin Fee 0.002%
Settlement Fee 0.002%
T + 3
Trade Currency: USD
Shenzhen B N/A 0.3%
(Min HKD100)
N/A Stamp Duty: 0.05% Levy 0.00341%
Admin Fee 0.002%
Clearing Fee 0.002% of gross amount (MaxHK$500)
Settlement Fees for DVP Client HKD50 per transaction
T + 3
Trade Currency: HKD

1. All the above charges are subject to change without prior notice. Please visit our Charge Table from time to time, or please check with your account executive for the latest charges.
2. Above charges are not applicable to trading of A shares which are converted from Shanghai or Shenzhen B shares. For the selling of A shares after such conversion, all trading fee and related levy will be charged according to the relevant exchange/organization. Trading Commission is negotiable.
3. A RMD1,000 conversion fee will be charged for each conversion from Shenzhen B shares to A shares.

Overseas Market-Dividend Charges
Markets Withholding Tax
(for reference only)
Dividend Collection Fees Handling Fees
Rate Per Dividend Paid Minimum Maximum Bonus Paid
Australia Stock 30% AUD33 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Canadian Stock 25% CAD6 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Indonesia Stock 20% SGD13 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Japan Stock *15.315% for Non Japan Residence

*20.315 for Individuals Japan Residence
JPY200.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Korea Stock 22% KRW6,500 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Malaysia Stock 25% 1% MYR10 MYR100 N/A 0.55% Min
Philippines Stock 30% SGD13 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Singapore Stock NA SGD13
Shanghai B Shares 10% USD2 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Shenzhen B Shares 10% Cash/ Stock Dividend 1.25% HKD65 N/A HKD50 (Fixed Amount) N/A
Taiwan Stock 21% 0.5% TWD200 TWD5,000 N/A N/A
Thailand Stock 10% 1.25% THB200 THB2,000 N/A N/A
United Kingdom 10% GBP12 N/A N/A GBP15 EUR28.00 (for All Choice Dividend Event)
U.S Stock 30% Cash/ Stock Dividend 2.25% USD8 N/A USD5 (Fixed Amount) N/A
Remark: ADR scrip fees will be charged by the ADR issuers USD0.01 to USD0.05 per shares on record date
Unit Trust / Fund -- N/A N/A N/A N/A

You should seek advice from your professional advisors as to your particular tax position, including but not limited to estate duty and withholding tax that might arise from investing in overseas products. Core Pacific-Yamaichi did/does not provide any kind of tax claim service and beneficiary owner have to apply by themselves.
All the above charges are subject to change without prior notice, the overseas bank charges and out of pocket expenses,if any, will be charged separately.

Disclaimers :
This advertisement/message has been issued by Core Pacific – Yamaichi Group of Companies (including Core Pacific – Yamaichi International (H.K.) Limited and Core Pacific – Yamaichi Futures (H.K.) Limited) for reference and information purposes only. The information herein contains no invitation, publicity, and introduction or investment opinions for any financial product trading. Investors should be aware that the fluctuation of prices of financial products may give profits to losses. Before investing in relevant financial products, investors should have a deep understanding to their financial status and investment objectives. In the event of any uncertainty on risks of product investment, investors should seek independent professional advice.

Service Charges Minimum / Maximum
Commission 0.25% of the contracted value
(per contract per side)
Minimum - HK$100.00
(Applicable to orders for the same contract, same side and within the trading day only)
Trading Tariff Tier 1 Stock Options
Nominal Value > $25,000
HK$3.00 per contract per side
Tier 2 Stock Options
Nominal Value > $10,000 – $25,000
HK$1.00 per contract per side
Tier 3 Stock Options
Nominal Value < $10,000
HK$0.50 per contract per side
Exercise Fee HK$2.00 per contract per side N/A
Stock Option Account Debit Interest P+6% p.a.on overdue
(unless otherwise agreed)

Disclaimers :
This advertisement/message has been issued by Core Pacific – Yamaichi Group of Companies (including Core Pacific – Yamaichi International (H.K.) Limited and Core Pacific – Yamaichi Futures (H.K.) Limited) for reference and information purposes only. The information herein contains no invitation, publicity, and introduction or investment opinions for any financial product trading. Investors should be aware that the fluctuation of prices of financial products may give profits to losses. Before investing in relevant financial products, investors should have a deep understanding to their financial status and investment objectives. In the event of any uncertainty on risks of product investment, investors should seek independent professional advice.

Hang Seng Index Futures
Product Commission
per contract
per side
per contract
per side
SFC Levy
per contract
per side
Investor Compensation Levy* Settlement Fee
per contract
per side
Hang Seng Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
HKD 60 HKD 100
HKD 10 HKD 0.54 N/A HKD 10
Mini - Hang Seng Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
HKD 20 HKD 25
HKD 3.50 HKD 0.10 N/A HKD 3.50
H Shares Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
HKD 60 HKD 100
HKD 3.50 HKD 0.54 N/A HKD 3.50
Mini H-shares Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
HKD 20 HKD 25
HKD 2 HKD 0.10 N/A HKD 2
Hang Seng TECH Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
HKD 60 HKD 100
(50% Discount until further notice)
HKD 0.54 N/A HKD 2.50
CES 120 Futures
Day Trade Overnight
HKD 60 HKD 100
HKD 10 HKD 0.54 N/A HKD 10
Hang Seng Index Options 1% of the contracted value (per contract per side)
Min. Max.
HKD 30 HKD 100
HKD 10 HKD 0.54 N/A Exercise Fee
HKD 10
per contract
Mini - Hang Seng Index Options 1% of the contracted value (per contract per side)
Min. Max.
HKD 20 HKD 25
HKD 2 HKD 0.10 N/A Exercise Fee
per contract
H Shares Index Options 1% of the contracted value (per contract per side)
Min. Max.
HKD 30 HKD 100
HKD 3.50 HKD 0.54 N/A Exercise Fee
HKD 3.50
per contract
Mini H-shares Index Options 1% of the contracted value (per contract per side)
Min. Max.
HKD 20 HKD 25
HKD 1 HKD 0.54 N/A HKD 1
Hang Seng Index Futures Options# 1% of the contracted value (per contract per side)
Min. Max.
HKD 30 HKD 100
HKD 10 HKD 0.54 N/A HKD 10
Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Futures Options# 1% of the contracted value (per contract per side)
Min. Max.
HKD 30 HKD 100
HKD 3.50 HKD 0.54 N/A HKD 3.50
Hang Seng TECH Index Options 1% of the contracted value (per contract per side)
Min. Max.
HKD 30 HKD 100
(50% Discount until further notice)
HKD 0.54 N/A Exercise Fee
HKD 2.50
per contract
Hang Seng TECH Index Futures Options# 1% of the contracted value
(per contract per side)
Min. Max.
HKD 30 HKD 100
(50% Discount until further notice)
HKD 0.54 N/A Exercise Fee
HKD 2.50
per contract
Stock Futures
Day Trade Overnight
HKD 20 HKD 25
HKD 3.50
See Remarks
HKD 0.10 N/A HKD 2
HSI Dividend Futures HKD 50 HKD 3 HKD 0.54 N/A HKD 3
HSCEI Dividend Futures HKD 50 HKD 1.50 HKD 0.54 N/A HKD 1.50
HSI Volatility Index (VHSI) Futures
Day Trade Overnight
HKD 60 HKD 100
HKD 10 HKD 0.54 N/A HKD 10
Day Trade Overnight
HKD 60 HKD 100
HKD 10 HKD 0.54 N/A HKD 10
MICEX Index Futures (RUSSIA)
Day Trade Overnight
HKD 60 HKD 100
HKD 5 HKD 0.60 N/A HKD 5
Day Trade Overnight
HKD 60 HKD 100
HKD 5 HKD 0.60 N/A HKD 5
CNH London Aluminium Mini Futures
Day Trade Overnight
RMB 25 RMB 45
RMB 3 RMB 0.44 N/A RMB 1.20
CNH London Zinc Mini Futures
Day Trade Overnight
RMB 25 RMB 45
RMB 3 RMB 0.44 N/A RMB 1.20
CNH London Copper Mini Futures
Day Trade Overnight
RMB 25 RMB 45
RMB 3 RMB 0.44 N/A RMB 1.20
CNH London Nickel Mini Futures
Day Trade Overnight
RMB 25 RMB 45
RMB 3 RMB 0.44 N/A RMB 1.20
CNH London Tin Mini Futures
Day Trade Overnight
RMB 25 RMB 45
RMB 3 RMB 0.44 N/A RMB 1.20
CNH London Lead Mini Futures
Day Trade Overnight
RMB 25 RM B45
RMB 3 RMB 0.44 N/A RMB 1.20
USD London Aluminium Mini Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 0.50 USD 0.07 N/A USD 0.02
USD London Zinc Mini Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 0.50 USD 0.07 N/A USD 0.02
USD London Copper Mini Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 0.50 USD 0.07 N/A USD 0.02
USD London Nickel Mini Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 0.50 USD 0.07 N/A USD 0.02
USD London Tin Mini Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 0.50 USD 0.07 N/A USD 0.02
USD London Lead Mini Futuress
Day Trade Overnight
USD 4.00 USD 7.00
USD 0.50 USD 0.07 N/A USD 0.02
USD/CNH Futures #
Day Trade Overnight
RMB 25 RMB 45
RMB 8 N/A N/A No physical delivery
Mini USD/CNH Futures #
Day Trade Overnight
RMB 20 RMB 25
RMB 1.60 N/A N/A No physical delivery
USD/CNH Options # 1% of the contracted value (per contract per side)
Min. Max.
HKD 30 HKD 100
RMB 8 per contract N/A N/A No physical delivery
Hang Seng Mainland Oil & Gas Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
HKD 60 HKD 100
HKD 2 HKD 0.54 N/A HKD 2
Hang Seng Mainland Banks Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
HKD 60 HKD 100
HKD 2 HKD 0.54 N/A HKD 2
Hang Seng Mainland Properties Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
HKD 60 HKD 100
HKD 2 HKD 0.54 N/A HKD 2
EUR/CNH Futures
Day Trade Overnight
RMB 25 RMB 45
See Remarks C
JPY/CNH Futures
Day Trade Overnight
RMB 25 RMB 45
See Remarks C
AUD/CNH Futures
Day Trade Overnight
RMB 25 RMB 45
See Remarks C
CNH/USD Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 0.60
See Remarks C
N/A N/A USD 0.60
USD Gold Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 1 USD 0.07 N/A USD 2
CNH Gold Futures
Day Trade Overnight
RMB 25 RMB 45
RMB 6 RMB 0.50 N/A RMB 12
USD Silver Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 1 USD 0.07 N/A USD 2
CNH Silver Futures
Day Trade Overnight
RMB 25 RMB 45
RMB 6 RMB 0.5 N/A RMB12
TSI Iron Ore Fines 62% Fe CFR China Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 10 USD 20
USD 1 USD 0.07 N/A USD 1
MSCI AC Asia ex Japan Net Total Return Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 0.50 USD 0.07 N/A USD 0.50
Hang Seng Index (Gross Total Return Index) Futures
Day Trade Overnight
HKD 60 HKD 100
HKD 30 HKD 0.54 N/A HKD 30
Hang Seng Index (Net Total Return Index) Futures
Day Trade Overnight
HKD 60 HKD 100
HKD 30 HKD 0.54 N/A HKD 30
Hang Seng China Enterprises Index (Gross Total Return Index) Futures
Day Trade Overnight
HKD 60 HKD 100
HKD 10 HKD 0.54 N/A HKD 10
Hang Seng China Enterprises Index (Net Total Return Index) Futures
Day Trade Overnight
HKD 60 HKD 100
HKD 10 HKD 0.54 N/A HKD 10
MSCI Taiwan (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 1 USD 0.07 N/A USD 1
MSCI Taiwan Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 0.60 USD 0.07 N/A USD 0.60
MSCI Japan Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 0.60 USD 0.07 N/A USD 0.60
MSCI India Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 0.60 USD 0.07 N/A USD 0.60
MSCI China Free Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 0.60 USD 0.07 N/A USD 0.60
MSCI Indonesia Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 0.60 USD 0.07 N/A USD 0.60
MSCI Australia Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 0.60 USD 0.07 N/A USD 0.60
MSCI Thailand Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 0.60 USD 0.07 N/A USD 0.60
MSCI Malaysia Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 0.60 USD 0.07 N/A USD 0.60
MSCI EM Asia Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 0.60 USD 0.07 N/A USD 0.60
MSCI Singapore Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 0.60 USD 0.07 N/A USD 0.60
MSCI Vietnam Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 0.60 USD 0.07 N/A USD 0.60
MSCI Hong Kong Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 0.60 USD 0.07 N/A USD 0.60
MSCI Philippines Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 0.60 USD 0.07 N/A USD 0.60
MSCI Indonesia (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 1 USD 0.07 N/A USD 1
MSCI Emerging Markets Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 0.60 USD 0.07 N/A USD 0.60
MSCI Emerging Markets (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 0.60 USD 0.07 N/A USD 0.60
MSCI China Free (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 1 USD 0.07 N/A USD 1
MSCI India (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 1 USD 0.07 N/A USD 1
MSCI Malaysia (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 1 USD 0.07 N/A USD 1
MSCI New Zealand Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 0.60 USD 0.07 N/A USD 0.60
MSCI Philippines (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 1 USD 0.07 N/A USD 1
MSCI Singapore Free Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 0.60 USD 0.07 N/A USD 0.60
MSCI Thailand (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 1 USD 0.07 N/A USD 1
MSCI Vietnam (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 1 USD 0.07 N/A USD 1
MSCI EM ex China Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 0.60 USD 0.07 N/A USD 0.60
MSCI EM ex Korea Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 0.60 USD 0.07 N/A USD 0.60
MSCI EM Asia ex China Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 0.60 USD 0.07 N/A USD 0.60
MSCI EM Asia ex Korea Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 0.60 USD 0.07 N/A USD 0.60
MSCI EM EMEA Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 0.60 USD 0.07 N/A USD 0.60
MSCI EM LatAm Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 0.60 USD 0.07 N/A USD 0.60
MSCI Pacific Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 0.60 USD 0.07 N/A USD 0.60
MSCI Pacific ex Japan Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 0.60 USD 0.07 N/A USD 0.60
MSCI Taiwan 25/50 (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 1 USD 0.07 N/A USD 1
MSCI Taiwan 25/50 Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 0.60 USD 0.07 N/A USD 0.60
MSCI Singapore Free (SGD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
SGD 10 SGD 22
SGD 1.40 SGD 0.10 N/A SGD 1.40
MSCI Japan (JPY) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
JPY 800 JPY 1,800
JPY 65 JPY 8 N/A JPY 65
MSCI Japan Net Total Return (JPY) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
JPY 800 JPY 1,800
JPY 65 JPY 8 N/A JPY 65
MSCI China Free (USD) Index Options 1% of the contracted value (per contract per side)
Min. Max.
USD 4 USD 12
USD 1 USD 0.07 N/A Exercise Fee USD 1 per contract
MSCI Taiwan (USD) Index Options 1% of the contracted value (per contract per side)
Min. Max.
USD 4 USD 12
USD 1 USD 0.07 N/A Exercise Fee USD 1 per contract
MSCI China A 50 Connect (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 1 USD 0.07 N/A Exercise Fee USD 1 per contract
MSCI China Net Total Return (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 0.60 USD 0.07 N/A Exercise Fee USD 0.60 per contract
MSCI China Free (USD) Index Futures
Day Trade Overnight
USD 8 USD 12
USD 1 USD 0.07 N/A Exercise Fee USD 1 per contract
Debit Interest
Service Charges Minimum / Maximum
Futures Account Debit Interest P+6% p.a.on overdue
(unless otherwise agreed)

* Pursuant to an exemption notice made under section 25(1) of the Securities and Futures (Investor Compensation Levy) Rules and gazetted on 11 November 2005, no Investor Compensation Levy shall be payable in respect of a sale and purchase of futures and options contract on or after 19 December 2005 until further notice.
# Note: Our Company does not offer "Physical Delivery" (Including Physically Settled Options Contracts on index futures) arrangements. Customers must close out or roll over any open positions 3 days before "Last Trading Day" (“Trading Deadline”) , otherwise those open positions will be force-closed in order to avoid the risk of physical delivery. Please click here for points to note about "Prevention of physical delivery".

Hong Kong Futures Exchange – Gold Futures
The Trading Deadline of USD Gold Futures and CNH Gold Futures from Hong Kong Exchange is 5 days before Last Trading Day.
After “Trading Deadline”, customers will not be able to perform e-trade using “SP Futures” for these positions. To further process these contracts, please contact our dealing department as soon as possible (Dealing hotline: (852) 2826 0066)

C The Exchange Fees of the Additional RMB Currency Futures shall be waived for all HKFE Participants and their clients during the period from the Commencement Date to 28 Jun. 2019 (Day Session).

All the above charges are subject to change without prior notice. Please visit our Charge Table from time to time, or please check with your account executive for the latest charges.
There will be no interest payable on credit balance with effective from 4 Sep, 2015

Disclaimers :
This advertisement/message has been issued by Core Pacific – Yamaichi Group of Companies (including Core Pacific – Yamaichi International (H.K.) Limited and Core Pacific – Yamaichi Futures (H.K.) Limited) for reference and information purposes only. The information herein contains no invitation, publicity, and introduction or investment opinions for any financial product trading. Investors should be aware that the fluctuation of prices of financial products may give profits to losses. Before investing in relevant financial products, investors should have a deep understanding to their financial status and investment objectives. In the event of any uncertainty on risks of product investment, investors should seek independent professional advice.

Global Futures (Index)
Exchange Type Futures
Code Contract
Currency Initial
CBOT Index E-mini Dow($5) YM US$5 x Index 1pt.
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
CME Index S&P 500 SP US$250 x Index 0.1pt.
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
CME Index E-mini S&P 500 ES US$50 x Index 0.25pt.
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
CME Index E-MINI NASDAQ 100 NQ US$20 x Index 0.25pt.
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
CME Index CME Nikkei USD NKD US$5 x Index 5pt.
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
CME Index CME Nikkei JPY NIY Yen500 x Index 5pt.
JPY Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
OSE Index OSK Nikkei JPY JNI Yen1,000 x Index 10pt.
JPY Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
SGX Index SGX Nikkei SGXNK Yen500 x Index 5pt.
JPY Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
SGX Index Mini SGX Nikkei 225 Index SNS Yen100 x Index 1pt.
JPY Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
SGX Index FTSE Xinhua China A50 Index CN US$1 x Index 1pt.
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
SGX Index SGX CNX Nifty Index SIN US$2 x Index 0.5pt.
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
SGX  Index MSCI Singapore Stock Index SSG SGD200 x Index 0.1pt.
SGD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
Global Futures (Currency)
Exchange Type Futures
Code Contract
Currency Initial
CME Currency AUD 6A AUD
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
CME Currency GBP 6B GBP
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
CME Currency CAD 6C CAD
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
CME Currency JPY 6J Yen
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
CME Currency NZD 6N NZD
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
CME Currency CHF 6S SF
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
CME Currency EUR 6E EUR
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
JPY Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
NYBOT Currency US Dollar Index DX US$1,000 x Index 0.005pt.
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
CME Currency Mexican Pesos 6M 500,000
Mexican Pesos
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
Global Futures (Rates & Interests)
Exchange Type Futures
Code Contract
Currency Initial
CBOT Treasury 30 Year
US Treasury Bond
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
CBOT Treasury 10 Year
US Treasury Note
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
CBOT Treasury 5 Year
US Treasury Note
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
CBOT Treasury 2 Year
US Treasury Note
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
Global Futures (Metal)
Exchange Type Futures
Code Contract
Currency Initial
NYMEX Metals NYMEX Palladium PA 100 troy ozs. $0.5/oz.
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
NYMEX Metals NYMEX Platinum PL 50 troy ozs. $0.1/oz.
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
COMEX Metals Comex Metal: Gold GC 100 troy ozs. $0.1/oz.
USD 12,100 Negotiable
COMEX Metals Comex Metal: Silver SI 5,000 troy ozs. $0.005/oz.
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
COMEX Metals Comex Metal: Copper HG 25,000 lbs. 0.05¢/lb.
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
COMEX Metals Comex Metal: Mini Gold QO 50 troy ounce $0.25/oz.
=USD 12.5
USD 6,050 Negotiable
LME Metal Lead LPB 25 tonnes US$0.5/tonne
= US$12.5
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
LME Metal Nickel LNI 6 tonnes US$5/tonne
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
LME Metal Copper LCA 25 tonnes US$0.5/tonne
= US$12.5
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
LME Metal Aluminum LAH 25 tonnes US$0.5/tonne
= US$12.5
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
LME Metal Zinc LZS 25 tonnes US$0.5/tonne
= US$12.5
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
LME Metal Tin LSN 5 tonnes US$5/tonne
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
SGX Metal TSI Iron Ore CFR China (62% Fe Fines) Index Futures SFE 100 tonnes 0.05pt.
= US$5
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
Global Futures (Agricultural)
Exchange Type Futures
Code Contract
Currency Initial
CBOT Agricultural Corn ZC 5,000
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
CBOT Agricultural mini-sized Corn XC 1,000
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
CBOT Agricultural Soyabean ZS 5,000
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
CBOT Agricultural mini-sized Soybean XK 1,000
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
CBOT Agricultural Soybean Oil ZL 60,000
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
CBOT Agricultural Soybean Meal ZM 100
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
CBOT Agricultural Wheat ZW 5,000
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
CBOT Agricultural Oat ZO 5,000
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
CBOT Agricultural Rough Rice ZR 2,000
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
CME Agricultural Feeder Cattle GF 500
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
CME Agricultural Lean Hogs LH 40,000
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
CME Agricultural Lumber LB 110,000
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
NYBOT Agricultural Coffee KC 37,500
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
NYBOT Agricultural Cotton CT 50,000
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
NYBOT Agricultural Sugar
No. 11
SB 112,000
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
NYBOT Agricultural Orange Juice OJ 15,000
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
NYBOT Agricultural Cocoa CC 10
metric tons
USD Please refer to exchange website Negotiable
Global Futures (Energy & Others)
Exchange Type Futures
Code Contract
Currency Initial
NYMEX Energy Gasoline RB 42,000
USD 7,260.00 Negotiable
NYMEX Energy Natural Gas NG 10,000
USD 7,260.00 Negotiable
USD 6,864.00 Negotiable
NYMEX Energy Mini-Crude Oil QM 500
USD 3,432.00 Negotiable
NYMEX Energy Mini-Natural Gas QG 2,500
USD 1,815.00 Negotiable
NYMEX Energy NY Harbor ULSD HO 42,000
USD 8,184.00 Negotiable
IPE Energy Brent Crude Oil COIL 1,000
USD 6,217.20 Negotiable
Trading Hotline
Night Trading Hotline: (852) 2826-0066


1. Please contact your designated Account Executive or our Customer Service Hotlines at (852) 2166 3888
2. Initial and main margin for your reference only, all margin requirements are subjected to change. Please contact your designated Account Executive or our Customer Service Hotlines at (852) 2166 3888 for more information.
3. Please click here for points to note about "Prevention of physical delivery".
4. For LME futures trading hour and points to note, please access below website (LME page)
5. We do not offer KRW deposit and withdrawal services, clients should use other currency for settlement.

Disclaimers :
This advertisement/message has been issued by Core Pacific – Yamaichi Group of Companies (including Core Pacific – Yamaichi International (H.K.) Limited and Core Pacific – Yamaichi Futures (H.K.) Limited) for reference and information purposes only. The information herein contains no invitation, publicity, and introduction or investment opinions for any financial product trading. Investors should be aware that the fluctuation of prices of financial products may give profits to losses. Before investing in relevant financial products, investors should have a deep understanding to their financial status and investment objectives. In the event of any uncertainty on risks of product investment, investors should seek independent professional advice.

Scrip handing and settlement-related services Cost
Service Charges Minimum / Maximum
Money Settlement Fee Free N/A
Transfer Deed Stamp Duty HK$5.00
per transfer deed
Express Registration Fee for Physical Share Certificate HK$20.00 / RMB20.00
per share certificate
Physical Withdrawal of Securities HK$5.00 / RMB5.00 per lot Min.: HK$100.00 / RMB100.00
per stock
Deposit Transaction Fee Free N/A
Stock Withdrawal Fee
(SI via CCASS)
0.05% on stock market value
of previous trading day per transaction
Min.: HK$100.00 / RMB100.00
Max.: HK$500.00 / RMB500.00
Stock Withdrawal Fee
Free N/A
Investor Settlement Instruction Fee N/A N/A
Compulsory Share Buy-back Fees Amounts specified by HKSCC or 0.5% on transaction amount on short sell settlement date N/A
Information Services
Service Charges Minimum / Maximum
Online Real-time Stock Quote Please refer to

"Real Time Quote Services Application Form"
Short Message Services Fee Free N/A
Account maintenance
Service Charges Minimum / Maximum
Custody Fee Free N/A
Stock Balance or Account Confirmation Fee Handling fee HK$100.00 per copy N/A
Statement Fee
(Physical Delivery)
HK$10.00 per month N/A
Dormant Account Fee Free N/A
Stock Segregated Account (with CCASS Statement) Service Fee N/A N/A
Reprint Daily Statement Within 1 month Free
Over 1 month HK$100.00
Over 12 months HK$200.00
Reprint Monthly Statement Within 3 months Free
Over 3 months HK$100.00
Over 12 months HK$200.00
Nominee services and corporate actions
Service Charges Minimum / Maximum
CCASS Registration Scrip Fee HK$2.50 / RMB2.50 per lot Min: HK$10.00/RMB10.00
Max: N/A
CCASS Registration Scrip Fee-Physical Stock HK$2.50 / RMB2.50 per lot
+ handling fee HK$100.00 /
RMB100.00per stock
Collection of Cash Dividend or Cash Distribution or Debt Securities Interest 0.5% on the Amount Paid Min.: HK$20.00 /
Max.: N/A
Privatization HK$1.00 / RMB1.00 per lot
+ 0.5% on the Amount Paid
+ Ad Valorem Stamp Duty
Min.: HK$20.00 /
Max.: N/A
Dividend Claim / Bonus Shares HK$400.00 / RMB400.00 per stock per distribution
plus HK$200.00 / RMB200.00
Share Registrar Office Confirmation
(if necessary)
Bonus Shares Collection Fee HKD/RMB 30 (per instrument collected) N/A
Corporate Action Fee HK$1.00 / RMB1.00 per lot N/A
Right / Warrant / Covered Warrant Subscription & Warrant Conversion HK$1.00 / RMB1.00 per lot
+ handling fee HK$50.00/RMB50.00 per order
Auto-exercise / Cash Settlement Warrant HK$1.00 / RMB1.00 per lot
+ handling fee HK$50.00/RMB50.00 per order
Cash / Open Offer Charge HK$1.00 / RMB1.00 per lot
+ handling fee HK$50.00/RMB50.00 per order
** For Cash offer : Shanghai A share (Shanghai-Hong Kong Connect) and Shenzhen Stock Exchange Securities (SZ-HK Stock Connect) will charge additional trading charges (Handing fee, Securities management fee, Seller Stamp, Transfer fee)
Special / Conditional Offer Charge HK$1.00 / RMB1.00 per lot
+ handling fee HK$50.00/RMB50.00 per order
Handling Fee for Conversion, Redemption and Corporate Actions of Registered and Bearer Debt Securities HK$50.00 / RMB50.00 per instruction
Financing and other services
Service Charges Minimum / Maximum
Margin Account Financing Charge *P+3% p.a.on overdue amount after T+2
(unless otherwise agreed)
IPO Application Service Charge HK$100.00/RMB100.00
per application
Cash Account Overdue Interest *P+6% p. a. on overdue amount after T+2
*P+8% p.a. on overdue amount on or after T+7
(unless otherwise agreed)
Financing Charge for Subscription of Securities Subject to terms and conditions N/A
Banking Service Charges
(i)Fund Transfer by CHATS
actual bank charges
+ handling fee HK$100.00
(ii)Telegraph Transfer charge
actual bank charges
+ handling fee HK$100.00
(iii)Stop Payment charge
actual bank charges
+ handling fee HK$100.00
(iv)Return Cheque charge
actual bank charges
+ handling fee HK$100.00
Negative Interest Rate for Swiss Franc (CHF) Deposit 0.8% p.a. of CHF deposit amount N/A

All the above charges are subject to change without prior notice, please check with your account executive for the latest charges.
For details, please contact your designated Account Executive or call CPY services hotline:(852) 2166-3888
*P is the Prime rate (P) offered by HSBC

Disclaimers :
This advertisement/message has been issued by Core Pacific – Yamaichi Group of Companies (including Core Pacific – Yamaichi International (H.K.) Limited and Core Pacific – Yamaichi Futures (H.K.) Limited) for reference and information purposes only. The information herein contains no invitation, publicity, and introduction or investment opinions for any financial product trading. Investors should be aware that the fluctuation of prices of financial products may give profits to losses. Before investing in relevant financial products, investors should have a deep understanding to their financial status and investment objectives. In the event of any uncertainty on risks of product investment, investors should seek independent professional advice.

  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd
  • Core Pacific Yamaichi Int’l(H.K.)Ltd